Contrast in art refers to light and dark...
Contrast in life refers to what we call "the bad stuff or things that went wrong"...
In life contrast isn't always a bad thing. When stuff goes wrong, don't fall down...curl up and cry about it (like I did in my drawing). Instead embrace it. Pick yourself up...brush off your shoulders and tell yourself, "OK, that sucked, I really screwed that up, I know." Remember when I told you, "when you know better you do better!"
I have learn so much in the last couple years but two things stand out as major life lessons:
1. there is never 'mistakes' in life...everything has a purpose.
2. when something goes wrong, embrace it and be grateful... I just tell myself, "now I know."
I never regret mistakes or so called, 'failures' or bad relationships or things that I feel make me go backward instead of forward. It is all these times that have taught me what I experiencing what I don't want. CONTRAST. The dark times in our lives make the light times all the more brighter!
Just like in art and just like in my drawing, even if I make a mistake or if I don't like something or simply don't want to work on it anymore...I make choices.
I can chose to erase, start over, throw it in the trash or simply put it away for now and revisit it later. I'm the artist. I'm the master over my creation. I can create any picture that I want to create...or I can chose not to, it is up to me, I have free will!
Have a great tiger day! I love you guys, Ms. B...xoxoxoxo