Someone shared the point about holding onto anger. Of course, I am referring to a fairytale but I am using it as a metaphor for life. Think about it, Cinderella forgave those who were cruel to her and she walked away from it all to live a wonderful life, right? Would her life be so wonderful if she held onto the hurt and unfair treatment that she received in life? If she continued to think about all the mean things that they did to her and the terrible names that they called her, could she have a truly happy life? The answer is no.
We must let go of the pain and when we forgive others for mistreating us we must put to rest what happened. If you don't then they continue to abuse you even if they are no longer in your life. You will never be free of the past pain and disappointments if you keep reliving it. Apart of forgiving people is letting go. It is called reconciliation, or in other words 'peace'. Making peace with what happened and allowing yourself to grow stronger because of it.
Remember what I have told you in the past, when you hold onto something that you should let go, your hands are not free to grab hold of something better. Let go of anger and resentment and be open to allow good things to come into your life. Stay strong and have courage, and remember to always show kindness. Love you guys. Ms. B.